Mark Gage Review at Yale
I'll be on Mark Gage's review at Yale this Thursday, March 4th at 12pm, along with Tom Wiscombe, Cody Davis, Lise Anne Couture, Greg Lynn, Brennan Buck, and my partner Stella Lee.
Hani Rashid Review at Princeton
I'll be on Hani Rashid's final review at Princeton next Tuesday, December 15th, at 1pm along with Thomas Leeser, Laurie Hawkinson, Lise Anne Couture, Marc Simmons, and Stan Allen.
Hani Rashid Review at Harvard GSD
I'll be on Hani Rashid's final review at Harvard's Graduate School of Design next Monday, December 17, at 1pm.
Exploding Plastic Inevitable Final Review
The final review for the studio I’m teaching at the University of Pennsylvania will be on Tuesday, December 11th at 2pm [ Meyerson, 4th floor Hall ]. The Jury will include:
Andrew Macnair
Robert Mezguiti
Rhett Russo
Stella Lee
Peter Zuspan
Kyle Stover
Andrea Flamenco
Exploding Plastic Inevitable Review
A review for my Exploding Plastic Inevitable studio at Penn Design will be held in the Lower Gallery of Meyerson on Monday, the 22nd, at 215pm. The Jury will include Ali Rahim, Winka Dubbeldam, David Boira, Zoe Coombes, Stella Lee, Peter Zuspan, and Dylan Baker Rice.
Exploding Plastic Inevitable Review
We will have our first review for the studio I’m teaching at U Penn tomorrow. The jury should include:
Detlef Mertins
Rhett Russo
Ferda Kolatan
Gisela Baurmann
Jenny Sabin
Julie Beckman
Srdjan Jovanovic Weiss
Ali Rahim
Final Word
The final review for the studio I’m teaching with Hernan Diaz Alonso will be this Friday at Columbia. The critics include:
Jeff Kipnis
Francois Roche
Peter Cook
Preston Scott Cohen
Sanford Kwinter
David Ruy
Ferda Kolatan
Mark Gage
Mark Wigley
Should be interesting.
Final, Final Review
Here is the opening slide for my final, final review. Only 14 more to go...
Pseudo Science
These are the opening stills from my midterm
presentation at the AA in London. I’m playing around with an idea of
pseudo science, both as a joke and as an excuse to use a 1950's textbook graphic style (as influenced by Damien Hirst's most recent publication).
Greg Lynn + Jeff Kipnis Final Review
Front Elevation
Rear Elevation
These are the rendered elevations I showed in the final review of our studio with Jeff Kipnis and Greg Lynn. Somehow I lost the rest my drawings in the sleepless hours and inevitable computer crashing.
I've been to many great reviews, and this was by far the best I've ever witnessed. The presentation was very minimal, one plan, one section, two renderings and a model, and this led to interesting comparisons between projects and an incredible discussion.
There was a prolonged argument about the "cod piece" rear entry of my proposal which was judged to fulfill the new architectural effects we were after. Personally I’m more interested in the simulated reflections along the rear protrusions, as was Kipnis, but overall I was really happy with the feedback I got and mostly satisfied with my work.
The Terminal
This is the final image of my presentation in Hernan Diaz Alonso's final review.
Here is a ghosted perspective of the reconfigurable interior surfaces David Boira and I presented during our final review.